In-Person & Virtual
Dog Training
Balanced Motivational Training
for Real World Environments

I’m Ron Myers
Certified Master Dog Trainer & Canine Specialist of 40 years
Every dog is unique. My mission is to provide reliable, humane, and efficient dog training for each one of my clients, tailored to their distinct needs. My confidence in my work is rooted in 12 years of formal education and 40 years of hands-on experience with thousands of dogs. The scope of my professional experience is as diverse as the clients and dogs with whom I work. Dogs ranging from family pets to working dogs to K9 units have benefited from my multi-faceted training.
A word from Unique K9 Services' Owner, Ron Myers:
Here at Unique K9 Services you are not going to find fancy, ... but you will find the best of quality dog training. Ol' Skool' Training with a Splash Of New Skool'. I am not going to blow smoke up your ass, debate, negotiate, or not interested in competing with other trainers. I am not trying to appeal to you. Everything I say is a result of 12 years of formal education, and 40 successful years of hands- on experience training dogs.
As we know, anyone can print up a business card and claim they are a Professional Dog Trainer. Also, not here to bad mouth, or trash other training theories and methodology. Everyone has a right to their preference and definition of a trained dog. I have managed to stay out of the limelight for 40 years, have no interest in fame. I am in this for the dog.
PLEASE UNDERSTAND ... At UNIQUE K9 SERVICES LLC, A DOG IS AN ANIMAL, NOT A HUMAN, and our success is primarily due to us understanding that we have to be fair and humane, and teach in a language that our dogs will understand.
***Do we shower our animals with love, and extreme affection , using the most humane methods in the industry, you betcha'!!
This is Balanced Training, ( employing Operant Conditioning Theory & Methodology) conducted in real world public environments. Training sessions are conducted by myself, Ron Myers, and the team of assistant trainers at Unique K9 Services LLC. At Unique K9 Services we do not train your dog for you. We teach you how to train your dog. Technically, it is the human who is entering school, and what you put in ... is what you get out, PLEASE understand that part. You are a student.
*** In short, you are entering an elite dog training university / paramilitary style academy. This is ... "getting down in the trenches dog training", especially our Service Dog Training.
**At Unique K9 Services LLC, we do not frown on the use of any necessary training tools, however, what we do NOT practice / tolerate is the misuse / abuse of any training tools, or any inhumane treatment to the dogs.
***A student is not obligated to use any training tools that they do not choose to use on their dog. Students must understand that the training results coincide with the use of proper training tools. In other words, you can't build a fifty story building with just a screwdriver. I wear no phony masks, and phony masks are not welcomed here at Unique K9 Services LLC. Be yourself, leave the office etiquette, the conservative behaviors in the trash.
**No one receives any special entitlements, regardless of financial status, fame, or titles, achievements in life. Here you are a STUDENT.... PERIOD!
***My standards are high, "my style, who I am" ... very apparent & transparent, .. am very upfront, forward, and I speak in the language of a Military Drill Sergeant (yelling, profanity, name calling, the whole kit & kaboodle) and if you are thin skinned or sensitive,, you better buckle up & pull up your boot straps! ... or tuck your tail and go someplace else. I am not your guy!!
I make no apologies, and would prefer you not waste my time, nor yours. I don't do "Hard Selling". My work speaks for itself. If you don't believe what you hear, then you will believe what you see.
You are more than welcomed to contact us, and come observe my training. I do not want people who are going to tell me how to train their dog. Because if you knew how to do that, you wouldn't be calling me. This is not commercialized dog training, where they give you six, or eight sessions for a couple of hundred dollars, tell you what you want to hear, and give you a diploma, or certificate that means absolutely nothing. The average dog does not even know "SIT". If your dog has to be in the same room with you when you tell it to sit in order to perform "SIT".. it does not know "SIT" .. PERIOD.
It has to see a treat or body movement,, then it does not know the definition of the word and what it means, and you have not downloaded a vocabulary into your dog. THIS IS REAL DOG TRAINING!!, and for people who want a really TRAINED DOG. Mediocrity has no place here, and we don't put band-aids on what you may think is an issue,, we get to the root. Usually the main problems are lack of clarity in you being a Trusted Leader, and lack of a solid good relationship between you and your dog. If you are not the number one most attractive thing in your dog's life, that is the first problem. Nothing should be more attractive than you. Should you decide to move forward with training at Unique K9 Services LLC, you will enter into another realm of responsible dog ownership, you are going to enjoy a life with your dog that you could have never imagined.
**Students must travel to meet the trainer in public places for their training, designated by the trainer. However, there may be some in your home training sessions,, but MUST be approved by me, Ron Myers.
**There are absolutely zero, none, ... no in person (indoor or outdoor) training sessions on rainy days, nor in temperatures below 23 degrees, or above 87 degrees, UNLESS .. one of my assistant trainers "wants" to do that particular session at that particular time.
In the event of these circumstances all scheduled training is automatically converted to a Virtual Training Session.
**Students must pay 50% of the total cost of their training package upfront to start, and make 6 monthly payments starting 30 days after the initial first payment, and every 30 days thereafter until the balance is reached.... REGARDLESS OF THE FREQUENCY OF YOUR TRAINING SESSIONS OR THE AMOUNT OF SESSIONS THUS FAR RECEIVED. YOU ARE NOT PAYING PER SESSION, your payment is due every 30 days until the total cost of your training package is reached.
*** ALL SALES ARE FINAL, non-refundable under any circumstances. However, a student may transfer their training to another person / dog, or to another dog that's owned by them, in the event the "dog" cannot complete the training for some reason, including medical, injury, or death.
Your training is a mixture of Private, Semi-Private, & Virtual Training Sessions. you will receive a minimum of 4 private one on one training sessions. The training is conducted by .... "The Team at Unique k9 Services LLC."
I have very knowledgeable, competent, capable training assistants that will be administering some of your training sessions, ... particularly in the event I, Ron Myers, is unavailable... for whatever reason.
***You are urged to participate in the UNIQUE K9 SERVICES FAMILY Group Chat Forums. There, you will find pertinent updates on what's happening at Unique K9 Services LLC, schedule changes, training videos / homework assignments submitted from other students, and extremely important info regarding a vast array of subjects regarding your training.UNIQUE K9 SERVICES EMPLOYS THE OL' SKOOL THEORY, "IT TAKES A VILLAGE." If you choose not to participate in the Group Chat Forums, then yiu will have no way of being current with what's going on at UNIQUE K9 SERVICES LLC.
**The frequency of your training sessions is dependent upon the progress you are making. At Unique K9 Services LLC you can fail. If you are not consistent with what you are taught in the absence of the trainer, "you will fail".
I strongly suggest that the student try and make their training sessions weekly during the initial start of their training, (the first 3-4 sessions) and you will gradually be switching over to every other week, as your homework becomes more advanced, you will definitely need that extra time to complete & perfect your homework.
***All scheduling must be done through the scheduling personnel. Each student is responsible for their scheduling, and keeping track of their sessions, and their payments. you will receive a receipt via text for every transaction. I, Ron Myers, primarily will communicate via text, and WhatsApp messaging, rarely email.
*** "ALL" students MUST bring the necessary training tools to every session. I DO NOT SUPPLY YOUR TRAINING TOOLS. If you come to a training session unprepared, you are wasting a training session, your time, and more so .. "my time.",, and the TWO most valuable things I have .. are my time and my freedom. I urge you to use a knapsack / backpack to carry your tools, as you will need both hands free to handle your dog. Please enter with an open mind, a super enthusiastic persona, follow instructions to the letter, and not only will your dog have a blast, so will you.
Thank You,
Ron Myers

The Unique K9 Way
Unique K9 Services is designed for the discerning dog owner who seeks to give their dog the best education possible, and desires only excellence in their dog training. Whether you are thinking about getting a dog, have a new puppy, or have an established relationship with a dog who has room to grow, I am here to help at every step. I work with each client and their dog to give them the individualized guidance they need for their specific environments. You never need to give up on your dog. We will work together to help them achieve their very best. That is my promise.

Our Services
We offer versatile motivational training for real-world scenarios through sessions of private groups of up to 4 clients, and through remote virtual training conducted live online. Our specialties include: ​
Obedience Training​
Behavior Modification
Aggression ​
Excessive Barking
Reactivity and more
Service and Therapy Dog Training​​​
Psychiatric & PTSD Service Dogs
Therapy Dogs
Sports Dog Training​
Competition Obedience and more
Protection Dog Training

The Ultimate Method to Unlocking Your Dog's Best Self
The length of your dog's education can vary and depends on your goals and circumstances. We can begin to address you and your dog's needs over the course of an initial 12 weeks of training, and can continue however long is necessary to see the sought-after result. My services empower you to learn to guide your dog, and to work as a team.
All in-person training sessions are held in Manhattan, N.Y. in designated public spaces, weather permitting. Virtual training sessions and virtual consultations are available for clients based in any location. Overall pricing is variable, as the curriculum is tailored to each dog. Please contact Unique K9 Services to discuss pricing or further details. All are welcome to attend a group training session for free to see the training in action.

Attend a Free Group Session!
Email uk9services@gmail.com, or call (914) 269 - 8484 to receive a personal invitation to attend a group session in Manhattan, NY. Speak with current clients, see the training process, and meet with Ron before signing up!